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 Damaged Arcade Monitor Killer Instinct

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2 posters

Number of posts : 5
Age : 42
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2014-04-10

Damaged Arcade Monitor Killer Instinct Empty
PostSubject: Damaged Arcade Monitor Killer Instinct   Damaged Arcade Monitor Killer Instinct Clock_9Thu 10 Apr 2014 - 21:31

hi members

I recently bought an Killer Instinct 1 arcade cabinet, it worked great when I bought it from the seller, but during the transportation the crt tube of the monitor got damaged.

The pins that connect to the neckboard got damaged, I believe there are missing some, because not every hole (on the neckboard) has a pin to fill in.

I have no idea if something like this can be repaired.  The pins got bent over, if I would get them back right, should it be possible to put it back into the neckboard or would that damage the cabinet?   I am more an arcade cabinet gamer than a cabinet technician.  Anybody got some advice for this, because I am really in a dead end here and have no idea what I have to do...  I think it's a 25/26 inch k7000 monitor, but I am not sure...

Thanks in advance!

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Number of posts : 118
Age : 44
City : Liège
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2007-11-03

Damaged Arcade Monitor Killer Instinct Empty
PostSubject: Re: Damaged Arcade Monitor Killer Instinct   Damaged Arcade Monitor Killer Instinct Clock_9Tue 5 Aug 2014 - 14:47

j'ai eu exactement le même soucis, un vendeur m'a gracieusement offert un tube+chassis de "remplacement" mais en le manupulant il a écrasé les pins du cul du tube, une petite partie en verre a carrément éclaté  Shit
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Damaged Arcade Monitor Killer Instinct
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