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 Bellewaerde: arcade closes

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2 posters

Number of posts : 13
Age : 42
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2012-03-17

Bellewaerde: arcade closes Empty
PostSubject: Bellewaerde: arcade closes   Bellewaerde: arcade closes Clock_9Mon 16 Dec 2013 - 15:11

Sad news: the arcade at Bellewaerde themepark will not re-open next season.
All games are being sold right now, at reasonable prices.

To be honest, the arcade was worn down and outdated but I would always play a couple of games there. Still, that's another arcade that dies.
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Number of posts : 6491
Age : 43
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

Bellewaerde: arcade closes Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bellewaerde: arcade closes   Bellewaerde: arcade closes Clock_9Mon 16 Dec 2013 - 23:32

cyberbeast wrote:
Sad news: the arcade at Bellewaerde themepark will not re-open next season.
All games are being sold right now, at reasonable prices.

To be honest, the arcade was worn down and outdated but I would always play a couple of games there. Still, that's another arcade that dies.

Hey Cyberbeast!  cheers 

It's a long time, isn 't it!!!

I saw your e-mail but haven't had the time to reply yet.  Embarassed 

Thanks for the update.  thumleft 

Sad news indeed! Crying or Very sad 

AFAIK it was operated by Elaut, they just care about their cranes and don't give a shit about video games so they don't repair broken games. eg: at Walibi, multiplayer feature of Daytona USA 2 is off for over 5 years, maybe it's just the link cable being disconnected (and one seat has no sound anymore). Ninja Assault displays screen noise for several years in a row, maybe the screen frequency need to be adjusted. But They don't fix them. They don't care. It's a real pity when you remember that in those places you could play Dragon's Lair, Star Wars and StarBlade. With new games and some maintenance, these arcades could be profitable.

By the way, amusement parks are the perfect places for big games like The House of the Dead Special, OutRun2 SP SDX, Dead Storm Pirates 4D+ and even smaller cabin games such as Dark Escape 4D. Hell, I'd even be happy with a Derby Owners Club! That's such a waste! Shit

Ok so no more arcade at Bellewaerde. Who's next? Walibi? Bobbejaanland? pale

By the way, are they selling the games on a second-hand website?  Question

Visit the website. Wink
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Number of posts : 13
Age : 42
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2012-03-17

Bellewaerde: arcade closes Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bellewaerde: arcade closes   Bellewaerde: arcade closes Clock_9Tue 17 Dec 2013 - 0:50

It's been a very long time.

Well, to be honest, not much happens in the Belgian arcade scene anymore I guess. And since I'm a big Sega fan and they aren't even a shadow of their former self anymore, my interest faded away together with them.
And life didn't tread me very well lately.

You don't have to look to far for the games: Wink

Most games have nice prices for what they offer.
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Number of posts : 6491
Age : 43
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

Bellewaerde: arcade closes Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bellewaerde: arcade closes   Bellewaerde: arcade closes Clock_9Wed 18 Dec 2013 - 20:11

cyberbeast wrote:
It's been a very long time.

Well, to be honest, not much happens in the Belgian arcade scene anymore I guess. And since I'm a big Sega fan and they aren't even a shadow of their former self anymore, my interest faded away together with them.
And life didn't tread me very well lately.

Yes, aside from Reflex,  Sportland and a few showmen buying some new games from time to time, it's quite quiet in Belgium.

Each year we bring some recent arcade games from Japan at Made in Asia convention in Brussels but they're housed in NAOMI cabinets. We don't have the money and ability to bring big dedicated machines yet (and it lasts only 3 days). For the 2014 edition, we'll have some recent Sega games including Melty Blood Actress Again Current Code and Chaos Code. Confused 

Lately, I'm disappointed by Sega's European releases too. These days, Namco got the best games (Dark Escape 4D, Deadstorm Pirates and the upcoming Mario Kart Arcade GP DX and Mach Storm). I've yet to try Transformers Human Alliance though. But I would love to see Initial D Arcade Stage 7 AA X in Europe! That's the game I dream of currently. But Sega's current Euro releases miss that dream factor. It's hard to explain. I hope the good old Sega we loved will come back with kicking ass games!!!  Wink 

cyberbeast wrote:
You don't have to look to far for the games: Wink

Most games have nice prices for what they offer.

Lol. Not far indeed.  Mr. Green

I would buy one thing or two for sure if I had the money.  Wink

Visit the website. Wink
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PostSubject: Re: Bellewaerde: arcade closes   Bellewaerde: arcade closes Clock_9

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