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 [FS] CYVERN + mobo + promotional flyer (all original)

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Number of posts : 9
Age : 44
Country : France
Registration date : 2008-10-29

[FS] CYVERN + mobo + promotional flyer (all original) Empty
PostSubject: [FS] CYVERN + mobo + promotional flyer (all original)   [FS] CYVERN + mobo + promotional flyer (all original) Clock_9Mon 21 Oct 2013 - 22:00

Here is THE masterpiece shooter by Kaneko running on the Super Nova System hardware. Of course this is the 100% official genuine set, not one of those shitty converted boot carts as you may see on eBay from time to time... Beautiful game, a rare one these days.
This set includes mobo + cartridge + promotional arcade flyer in mint condition (this is a rare flyer too, last one seen on YAJ past summer ended at 5800 Yen) :
440 Euros / 373 GBP + shipping (insured and trackable) depending on your location.

(If requested, I may propose the set minus the flyer for 420 EUROS / 356 GBP + shipping)

[FS] CYVERN + mobo + promotional flyer (all original) V1x6

[FS] CYVERN + mobo + promotional flyer (all original) Xca7

[FS] CYVERN + mobo + promotional flyer (all original) D9hd
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[FS] CYVERN + mobo + promotional flyer (all original)
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