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 [For Sale] Sega Astro and Sega Blast City

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Valued member
Valued member

Number of posts : 83
Age : 53
Country : Netherlands
Registration date : 2009-01-15

[For Sale] Sega Astro and Sega Blast City Empty
PostSubject: [For Sale] Sega Astro and Sega Blast City   [For Sale] Sega Astro and Sega Blast City Clock_9Tue 16 Jul 2013 - 14:31

Sega Astro City Cabinet

- 100% technical ok
- Original Screen, screen has burn-in, hardly visible in game
- Price : 495 euro
- Shipping Belgium : 85 euro

[For Sale] Sega Astro and Sega Blast City Astro%20(1)
[For Sale] Sega Astro and Sega Blast City Astro%20(2)
[For Sale] Sega Astro and Sega Blast City Astro

Optional :

- new stepdownconverter (220-110, 300 watt) : 59 euro

- info :

Sega Blast City Cabinet

- 100% technical ok
- Original Screen, no visible burn-in
- Price : 695 euro
- Shipping Belgium : 85 euro

Optional :

- new stepdownconverter (220-110, 300 watt) : 59 euro

- info :

[For Sale] Sega Astro and Sega Blast City 1Blast%20(1)
[For Sale] Sega Astro and Sega Blast City 1Blast%20(3)
[For Sale] Sega Astro and Sega Blast City 1Blast%20(2)
[For Sale] Sega Astro and Sega Blast City 1Blast
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[For Sale] Sega Astro and Sega Blast City
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