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 [For Sale] Sega Naomi - Namco System 246 + Games

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4 posters

Number of posts : 16
Age : 42
Country : Netherlands
Registration date : 2012-09-16

[For Sale] Sega Naomi - Namco System 246 + Games Empty
PostSubject: [For Sale] Sega Naomi - Namco System 246 + Games   [For Sale] Sega Naomi - Namco System 246 + Games Clock_9Sun 28 Apr 2013 - 10:55

For sale;

Payment by Paypal.
Shippping from the Netherlands.

* Sega Naomi + Japan H BIOS - 50 euro.

[For Sale] Sega Naomi - Namco System 246 + Games Img20130426151616
[For Sale] Sega Naomi - Namco System 246 + Games Img20130426151606

* Namco System 246 + Tekken 4 + JAMMA I/O + Naomi Power Cable - 175 euro.

[For Sale] Sega Naomi - Namco System 246 + Games Img20130426150810
[For Sale] Sega Naomi - Namco System 246 + Games Img20130426150758
[For Sale] Sega Naomi - Namco System 246 + Games Img20130426151422

Last edited by DLX on Wed 21 Aug 2013 - 14:59; edited 1 time in total
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Number of posts : 49
Age : 51
Country : France
Registration date : 2012-09-23

[For Sale] Sega Naomi - Namco System 246 + Games Empty
PostSubject: Re: [For Sale] Sega Naomi - Namco System 246 + Games   [For Sale] Sega Naomi - Namco System 246 + Games Clock_9Sun 11 Aug 2013 - 20:10

Je suis interesse par ton soul calibur 2 et 3.
Le 3 tourne sur systeme 246 ?
Serais tu ok pour separer ton lot ? Si oui à combien fdp in ?
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Number of posts : 6470
Age : 43
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

[For Sale] Sega Naomi - Namco System 246 + Games Empty
PostSubject: Re: [For Sale] Sega Naomi - Namco System 246 + Games   [For Sale] Sega Naomi - Namco System 246 + Games Clock_9Sun 11 Aug 2013 - 21:27

Nightbird83 wrote:
Le 3 tourne sur systeme 246 ?

Mais tu devrais lui répondre en anglais ou en néerlandais plutôt qu'en français. Wink

Visit the website. Wink
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Number of posts : 49
Age : 51
Country : France
Registration date : 2012-09-23

[For Sale] Sega Naomi - Namco System 246 + Games Empty
PostSubject: Re: [For Sale] Sega Naomi - Namco System 246 + Games   [For Sale] Sega Naomi - Namco System 246 + Games Clock_9Sun 11 Aug 2013 - 21:44

C'est ce que j'etais entrain de me dire.
Merci, je vais lui envoyé un mp

Last edited by Nightbird83 on Mon 12 Aug 2013 - 7:26; edited 1 time in total
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Number of posts : 49
Age : 51
Country : France
Registration date : 2012-09-23

[For Sale] Sega Naomi - Namco System 246 + Games Empty
PostSubject: Re: [For Sale] Sega Naomi - Namco System 246 + Games   [For Sale] Sega Naomi - Namco System 246 + Games Clock_9Sun 11 Aug 2013 - 21:51

i am interested for only the soulcalibur 2 and 3, i have a sytem 246 and tekken 4.
It's possible to Separate your lot of game
If it's possible how much for the soul calibur 2 and 3 ?
I live in france
Thank you
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Number of posts : 49
Age : 51
Country : France
Registration date : 2012-09-23

[For Sale] Sega Naomi - Namco System 246 + Games Empty
PostSubject: Re: [For Sale] Sega Naomi - Namco System 246 + Games   [For Sale] Sega Naomi - Namco System 246 + Games Clock_9Tue 20 Aug 2013 - 22:20

I send you a pm.
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Number of posts : 16
Age : 42
Country : Netherlands
Registration date : 2012-09-16

[For Sale] Sega Naomi - Namco System 246 + Games Empty
PostSubject: Re: [For Sale] Sega Naomi - Namco System 246 + Games   [For Sale] Sega Naomi - Namco System 246 + Games Clock_9Wed 21 Aug 2013 - 15:00

Soul Calibur 2 + Soul Calibur 3 (Bootleg) sold. System 246 + Tekken 4 + IO and Sega Naomi still available.
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Number of posts : 42
Age : 36
City : Mouscron
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2012-11-25

[For Sale] Sega Naomi - Namco System 246 + Games Empty
PostSubject: Re: [For Sale] Sega Naomi - Namco System 246 + Games   [For Sale] Sega Naomi - Namco System 246 + Games Clock_9Wed 28 Aug 2013 - 10:24

Hi, I'm interested by your system 246 + Tekken + Jamma IO.

I send you a PM.

AKEDO la Salle d'arcade Lilloise
[For Sale] Sega Naomi - Namco System 246 + Games Banakiko-nonpix
Depuis le 15 Fevrier 2013 !
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[For Sale] Sega Naomi - Namco System 246 + Games Empty
PostSubject: Re: [For Sale] Sega Naomi - Namco System 246 + Games   [For Sale] Sega Naomi - Namco System 246 + Games Clock_9

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[For Sale] Sega Naomi - Namco System 246 + Games
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