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 [FS] Sega Control Panel Virtua Striker 4 KIT

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[FS] Sega Control Panel Virtua Striker 4 KIT Empty
PostSubject: [FS] Sega Control Panel Virtua Striker 4 KIT   [FS] Sega Control Panel Virtua Striker 4 KIT Clock_9Thu 7 Mar 2013 - 8:45

As per title i've for sale some of my spares:
-1 Virtua Striker 4 Kit:
In the kit you'll find a rare two players panel, card reader complete with cables, vs4 marquee and move strip (in spanish).
[FS] Sega Control Panel Virtua Striker 4 KIT Virtuastriker4set1
[FS] Sega Control Panel Virtua Striker 4 KIT Virtuastriker4set2

All has been removed from a working cabinet.
The second player joy seems to be less smooth than the first one, from a touch point of view..
Price is 120€ plus shipping cost.
Shipping price to UK should be 46€ tracked until Italy or 51€ full tracked (and a litlle faster).

Payment via paypal "gift" please,or add 4% for the paypal fees.
Payment via bank transfer also possible.

You can contact me here or on my mail:

That's my feedback:
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[FS] Sega Control Panel Virtua Striker 4 KIT
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