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 [For Sale] Time Crisis 2, Confidential Mission, Cruis n USA

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glenn pellis
Mega member
Mega member

Number of posts : 328
Age : 35
City : Ekeren
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2006-12-16

[For Sale] Time Crisis 2, Confidential Mission, Cruis n USA Empty
PostSubject: [For Sale] Time Crisis 2, Confidential Mission, Cruis n USA   [For Sale] Time Crisis 2, Confidential Mission, Cruis n USA Clock_9Sun 3 Mar 2013 - 0:34

time crisis 2:

came out lunapark in working condtion, ok condition,

cruis n usa:

left side is working, screen ok, game ok
right side, screen not working, force feedback ok and also game ok
is not in perfect condition (scratches and wear)

sega confidential mission DLX:

came out lunapark was starting up and plays but there is a sensor broken in the screen, the shots of the gun don't register

machines are located in Herentals (province Antwerp)

i have pictures from the cruis n usa, i haven't jet pics of the time crisis 2 and confidential mission
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[For Sale] Time Crisis 2, Confidential Mission, Cruis n USA
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