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 Under Defeat HD+

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Number of posts : 4474
Age : 45
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

Under Defeat HD+ Empty
PostSubject: Under Defeat HD+   Under Defeat HD+ Clock_9Wed 30 Jan 2013 - 20:16

Under Defeat HD+ Udhd_01

Sega announced the release this Spring of Under Defeat HD+ via its ALL.NET P-Ras Multi system. Developed by G.rev, Under Defeat HD+ is an adaptation of the home console version out in February 2012, this version was itself an HD port of Under Defeat released on NAOMI in 2005...

Aside from that the game is now in HD, the greatest innovation is that the display is now horizontal. Stages are also more detailed and a "New Order" mode, still in development, adds new elements.


Sega a annoncé la sortie au printemps d'Under Defeat HD+ via son système ALL.NET P-Ras Multi. Développé par G.rev, Under Defeat HD+ est une adaptation de la version sortie en février 2012 sur consoles de salon qui était elle-même une adaptation HD d'Under Defeat sorti sur NAOMI en 2005...

Mis à part que le jeu est maintenant en HD, la plus grande innovation est que l'affichage est maintenant horizontal. Les stages sont aussi plus détaillés et un mode "New Order", encore en développement, ajoute de nouveaux éléments.

Under Defeat HD+ Udhd_02

Under Defeat HD+ Udhd_03

Under Defeat HD+ Udhd_04

Pictures: Famitsu
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Number of posts : 4474
Age : 45
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

Under Defeat HD+ Empty
PostSubject: Re: Under Defeat HD+   Under Defeat HD+ Clock_9Sat 13 Apr 2013 - 12:02

Under Defeat HD+ is on location test during one week from today at Club Sega Akihabara, at Club Sega Shinjuku and at Sega Kagurazaka (Tokyo). The game should be released this Spring.


Under Defeat HD+ est en location test à partir d'aujourd'hui et pendant 1 semaine au Club Sega Akihabara, au Club Sega Shinjuku et au Sega Kagurazaka (Tokyo). Il devrait sortir ce printemps.

Under Defeat HD+ Ud_05

Under Defeat HD+ Ud_01

Under Defeat HD+ Ud_02

Under Defeat HD+ Ud_03

Under Defeat HD+ Ud_04
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