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 Who knows the name of this arcade soccer game?

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2 posters

Number of posts : 13
Age : 42
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2012-03-17

Who knows the name of this arcade soccer game? Empty
PostSubject: Who knows the name of this arcade soccer game?   Who knows the name of this arcade soccer game? Clock_9Wed 4 Apr 2012 - 21:36

I don't know all that much about anymore.
It must be at least 15 years old.
It's a 2d sprite based soccer game.
The setting was pretty spectacular. I first thought it would be a SNK game but I think it's not.
One thing I do remember is that somehow you could have a super shot.
When you took the "super shot", the screen would turn black, only showing your player.
You could see him load up his shot or foot and then shoot the ball at nearly the speed of sound.
When the goalkeeper stopped the ball, he would slide into the goal becaus of the speed of the ball.

I'm not sure anymore, but I think you could rip the shirt of other players off of their body.

Anyone knows what game this is?
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Number of posts : 6469
Age : 43
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

Who knows the name of this arcade soccer game? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Who knows the name of this arcade soccer game?   Who knows the name of this arcade soccer game? Clock_9Fri 6 Apr 2012 - 15:58

cyberbeast wrote:
I don't know all that much about anymore.
It must be at least 15 years old.
It's a 2d sprite based soccer game.
The setting was pretty spectacular. I first thought it would be a SNK game but I think it's not.
One thing I do remember is that somehow you could have a super shot.
When you took the "super shot", the screen would turn black, only showing your player.
You could see him load up his shot or foot and then shoot the ball at nearly the speed of sound.
When the goalkeeper stopped the ball, he would slide into the goal becaus of the speed of the ball.

I'm not sure anymore, but I think you could rip the shirt of other players off of their body.

Anyone knows what game this is?

Isn't it Taito Power Goal?

We used to play this game a lot with Tisky and Katsu. It's totally crazy; the tackle button could be used to punch and kick other players...
Best soccer game IMHO (but is it still soccer? Mr. Green )

Visit the website. Wink
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Number of posts : 13
Age : 42
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2012-03-17

Who knows the name of this arcade soccer game? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Who knows the name of this arcade soccer game?   Who knows the name of this arcade soccer game? Clock_9Sun 8 Apr 2012 - 20:16

Thanks a million. That's the one!
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Who knows the name of this arcade soccer game? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Who knows the name of this arcade soccer game?   Who knows the name of this arcade soccer game? Clock_9

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Who knows the name of this arcade soccer game?
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