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 PLAYER (le dernier bastion des Gamer!) (Chênée)

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5 posters
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Number of posts : 82
Age : 45
City : Liège
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2008-07-23

PLAYER (le dernier bastion des Gamer!) (Chênée) Empty
PostSubject: PLAYER (le dernier bastion des Gamer!) (Chênée)   PLAYER (le dernier bastion des Gamer!) (Chênée) Clock_9Sat 15 Oct 2011 - 13:43

Salle d'arcade et de Jeux-Video (LIEGE)
Rue de Gaillarmont 71 à Chênée (4032)

Espace Arcade:
PLAYER (le dernier bastion des Gamer!) (Chênée) P1070011
1 Astro City (Mvs et PGM suivant les jours)
PLAYER (le dernier bastion des Gamer!) (Chênée) Martia11PLAYER (le dernier bastion des Gamer!) (Chênée) 45440410PLAYER (le dernier bastion des Gamer!) (Chênée) Puzzle10PLAYER (le dernier bastion des Gamer!) (Chênée) Arcade10

3 Bornes Naomi (1 CPS,  Naomi 2 & Taito Type X2)
CPS (suivant les jours)
PLAYER (le dernier bastion des Gamer!) (Chênée) 309411PLAYER (le dernier bastion des Gamer!) (Chênée) Sf3_sc11PLAYER (le dernier bastion des Gamer!) (Chênée) Guilty10PLAYER (le dernier bastion des Gamer!) (Chênée) Images12

Naomi (suivant les jours)

Taito Type X2 (suivant les jours)
PLAYER (le dernier bastion des Gamer!) (Chênée) The_ki10PLAYER (le dernier bastion des Gamer!) (Chênée) Images10PLAYER (le dernier bastion des Gamer!) (Chênée) Kof98u10PLAYER (le dernier bastion des Gamer!) (Chênée) Images11

1 Borne dédié Fighting Mania (Ken le survivant)
PLAYER (le dernier bastion des Gamer!) (Chênée) P1070013
1 Borne dédié Beatmania (borne musicale style DJ)
PLAYER (le dernier bastion des Gamer!) (Chênée) P1070015
1 Borne versus city 4 Players (Dungeon & Dragon Shadow over Mystara)
PLAYER (le dernier bastion des Gamer!) (Chênée) P1070014

Espace Console:
PLAYER (le dernier bastion des Gamer!) (Chênée) P1070017
Espace FPS:
PLAYER (le dernier bastion des Gamer!) (Chênée) Mw310PLAYER (le dernier bastion des Gamer!) (Chênée) Mw3gp10
Espace Sport:
PLAYER (le dernier bastion des Gamer!) (Chênée) Fifa_110PLAYER (le dernier bastion des Gamer!) (Chênée) Fifa_111
Espace Course:

Espace Baston:

Hurler est le seul moyen que j'ai pour me libérer de ma réalité niquée.

Salle d'arcade et jeux-video sur LIEGE ( )

Last edited by Esash on Sat 26 Nov 2011 - 12:55; edited 6 times in total
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Number of posts : 6491
Age : 43
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

PLAYER (le dernier bastion des Gamer!) (Chênée) Empty
PostSubject: PLAYER (le dernier bastion des Gamer!)   PLAYER (le dernier bastion des Gamer!) (Chênée) Clock_9Sat 15 Oct 2011 - 14:05

Terrible le beatmania!!! thumleft thumleft thumleft

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Number of posts : 6
Age : 33
City : Liege
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2011-03-21

PLAYER (le dernier bastion des Gamer!) (Chênée) Empty
PostSubject: Re: PLAYER (le dernier bastion des Gamer!) (Chênée)   PLAYER (le dernier bastion des Gamer!) (Chênée) Clock_9Wed 19 Dec 2012 - 16:23

Nouvelle photo a venir
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Bemani BeNeLux

Number of posts : 9
Age : 30
Country : Germany
Registration date : 2015-09-05

PLAYER (le dernier bastion des Gamer!) (Chênée) Empty
PostSubject: Re: PLAYER (le dernier bastion des Gamer!) (Chênée)   PLAYER (le dernier bastion des Gamer!) (Chênée) Clock_9Sat 5 Sep 2015 - 21:15

Does anyone know what happened to the Beatmania cab? Apparently they sold it to a private collector in 2013, but they wouldn't tell me who it was or where they were from Confused
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Number of posts : 6491
Age : 43
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

PLAYER (le dernier bastion des Gamer!) (Chênée) Empty
PostSubject: Re: PLAYER (le dernier bastion des Gamer!) (Chênée)   PLAYER (le dernier bastion des Gamer!) (Chênée) Clock_9Sun 6 Sep 2015 - 8:59

Bemani BeNeLux wrote:
Does anyone know what happened to the Beatmania cab? Apparently they sold it to a private collector in 2013, but they wouldn't tell me who it was or where they were from Confused

I think that machine ended at DDR Belgium. But it had a fault they couldn't fix so maybe they got rid of it.

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Bemani BeNeLux

Number of posts : 9
Age : 30
Country : Germany
Registration date : 2015-09-05

PLAYER (le dernier bastion des Gamer!) (Chênée) Empty
PostSubject: Re: PLAYER (le dernier bastion des Gamer!) (Chênée)   PLAYER (le dernier bastion des Gamer!) (Chênée) Clock_9Sun 6 Sep 2015 - 21:11

Nomax wrote:
Bemani BeNeLux wrote:
Does anyone know what happened to the Beatmania cab? Apparently they sold it to a private collector in 2013, but they wouldn't tell me who it was or where they were from Confused

I think that machine ended at DDR Belgium. But it had a fault they couldn't fix so maybe they got rid of it.
Thanks! I'll try contacting them and hopefully get some more information. Would be really sad to see this machine go, or maybe even get scrapped!
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Number of posts : 14
Age : 67
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2011-05-24

PLAYER (le dernier bastion des Gamer!) (Chênée) Empty
PostSubject: Re: PLAYER (le dernier bastion des Gamer!) (Chênée)   PLAYER (le dernier bastion des Gamer!) (Chênée) Clock_9Fri 15 Jan 2016 - 13:28

The BEATMANIA THE FINAL arcade machine works perfectly!
We have replaced the main board because the machine had crashed at the "Chene" shop probably due to an attempt copy of the hdd.
At this time we've taken back the machine to our warehouse.
The machine is still available for sale.
We have also the 5th Mix Epproms and HDD
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Number of posts : 6491
Age : 43
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

PLAYER (le dernier bastion des Gamer!) (Chênée) Empty
PostSubject: Re: PLAYER (le dernier bastion des Gamer!) (Chênée)   PLAYER (le dernier bastion des Gamer!) (Chênée) Clock_9Fri 19 Jan 2024 - 14:08

Le magasin de Chênée étant fermé depuis quelques années, sa fiche a été retirée.

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PLAYER (le dernier bastion des Gamer!) (Chênée) Empty
PostSubject: Re: PLAYER (le dernier bastion des Gamer!) (Chênée)   PLAYER (le dernier bastion des Gamer!) (Chênée) Clock_9

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