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 Power Boat GT V2.0

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Number of posts : 6491
Age : 43
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

Power Boat GT V2.0 Empty
PostSubject: Power Boat GT V2.0   Power Boat GT V2.0 Clock_9Fri 21 Jan 2011 - 1:38

Power Boat GT V2.0 Power_boat_gt_logo
Power Boat GT is a power boat racing game by Injoy Motion.

Power Boat GT est un jeu de course de power boats par Injoy Motion.

- PowerBoat V2.0 is a exciting boat race held in two locations in South America & Europe.
- Nine tracks (Troy, Columbus, Greece, Mysterious Inca, Holiday Resorts, Easter Island, Rome, Olympiad and Viking Warriors) with beautiful realistic 3D graphic scenery and the Interactive Control Interface generate the thrill of speed boating.
- Players get to choose the characters of his/her choice to race the hottest boats that blast thru the beautiful waterways of S. America and Europe
- Five cool characters(John, Boris, Adina, Mr. White and Violet) and Ten hot boats compete in head to head competition bringing fun and enjoyment to players.
- The boats can be controlled with the help of the Steering Wheel and Throttle to move forward,
left and right.
- During the race, players get the supplements of turbo power & weapons by the racing the boats
over the Red and Yellow boxes.
- The Turbo Power helps race the boats at a higher speed and weapons help to hinder competitors from going ahead.
- At the completion of each tracks, players will get the scores added up according to time taken to
finish each track and position achieved with a victory cup. The highest scorers can sign and list
in the top 10.
- Linkable up to 4 cabinets.

Gameplay video:

Power Boat GT V2.0 Power_boat_gt_cab

Power Boat GT V2.0 Power_boat_gt_ss01

Power Boat GT V2.0 Power_boat_gt_ss02

Power Boat GT V2.0 Power_boat_gt_ss03

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Number of posts : 6491
Age : 43
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

Power Boat GT V2.0 Empty
PostSubject: Power Boat   Power Boat GT V2.0 Clock_9Sun 24 Dec 2023 - 2:15

New version of the cabinet.

Power Boat GT V2.0 Pb_01

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Power Boat GT V2.0
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