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Le deal à ne pas rater :
(Adhérents Fnac) Kit de démarrage 3 ampoules connectées Philips ...
99.99 € 129.99 €
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3 posters

Number of posts : 19
Age : 34
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2011-01-19

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PostSubject: Hi, I'm new here!   Hi, I'm new here! Clock_9Wed 19 Jan 2011 - 23:17

Hi guys,

I'm new here so I'll introduce myself.
I'm from the Flemish part of Belgium, I'm twenty years old and interested in arcade machines.
The passion started when I was eight years old and loved to play The Simpsons arcade and Mortal Kombat 3.
And so here am I today in search for a cabinet.

P.S. I can read French but can't speak it sorry!
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Number of posts : 6470
Age : 43
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

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PostSubject: Re: Hi, I'm new here!   Hi, I'm new here! Clock_9Wed 19 Jan 2011 - 23:46

Welcome Phobias! Very Happy

Don't worry, I bet you do better than me.

I can read Flemish a bit but can't speak it (people laugh when I try) nor write it. That's why the website is in French/English. It would have been in French/Dutch instead if I or SophieKitty were bilingual. English was the only way for us to reach all Belgians... plus it attracts many people from abroad which is not bad. Wink

There are often arcade cabinets for sale here so it won't be long before you get yours.

I played a lot to the deluxe 4P version of The Simpsons at an arcade in Bouillon. From the outside, it looked like a garage. It was dark inside with lights like in a nightclub. It was a pretty damn fun place. I don't know if it was an official or custom cabinet but you sat on a bench and the screen was huge! That's a cool game. Back in the days, The Simpsons was hype. It's still a very funny series (way better than Family Guy IMO) but at the time, it was Bart mania among teens. Nowadays, I think Homer is cooler.

Note: PM activated. Mr. Green

Visit the website. Wink
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Ultimate member

Number of posts : 1257
Age : 53
City : Liege - Luik
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-02-23

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PostSubject: Re: Hi, I'm new here!   Hi, I'm new here! Clock_9Thu 20 Jan 2011 - 9:30

Welcome a board friend Smile

Hi, I'm new here! 332qpac
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