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 Pengo is back... not alone!

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2 posters

Number of posts : 4474
Age : 45
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

Pengo is back... not alone! Empty
PostSubject: Pengo is back... not alone!   Pengo is back... not alone! Clock_9Sun 1 Aug 2010 - 19:14

Après Pac-Man, c'est au tour de Pengo de faire son retour. Une nouvelle version du jeu de Sega sorti en 82 est actuellement en location test au Club Sega d'Akihabara.

Le concept est toujours le même: écraser les ennemis en leur poussant des blocs de glace dessus. Mais maintenant Pengo se joue à 8 joueurs! Un mode "Last Man Standing" est prévu.

Le nouveau Pengo tourne sur RingWide mais à priori les graphismes sont les mêmes que dans l'orginal.



After Pac-Man, it's the turn of Pengo to make a comeback. A new version of the Sega game released in 82 is now on location test at Club Sega from Akihabara.

The concept is always the same: to crush their enemies by pushing blocks of ice above. But now Pengo is playable up to 8 players! A "Last Man Standing" mode will be present.

The new Pengo runs on RingWide but it seems the graphics are the same as in the original game.


Pengo is back... not alone! Pengo10

Pengo is back... not alone! Pengo310

Pengo is back... not alone! Pengo410

Pengo is back... not alone! Pengo510

Pengo is back... not alone! Pengo610
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Number of posts : 6476
Age : 43
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

Pengo is back... not alone! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pengo is back... not alone!   Pengo is back... not alone! Clock_9Wed 11 Jul 2012 - 11:47

A 4-player version of Pengo will be included in Ge-Sen Love.


Une version 4 joueurs de Pengo sera incluse dans Ge-Sen Love.

Visit the website. Wink
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