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 [For Sale] Various items (UK based) updated 4th july

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3 posters

Number of posts : 25
Age : 54
Country : United Kingdom
Registration date : 2010-03-08

[For Sale] Various items (UK based) updated 4th july Empty
PostSubject: [For Sale] Various items (UK based) updated 4th july   [For Sale] Various items (UK based) updated 4th july Clock_9Thu 1 Jul 2010 - 1:48

Multiple items for sale. I will naturally discount shipping for multiple items.

I am also open to Trades, and Part Exchanges so try me.

All boards are very clean and looked after, Pay Pal Gift please

Super Street Fighter 2X £85
[For Sale] Various items (UK based) updated 4th july

Street FIghter Zero £35
[For Sale] Various items (UK based) updated 4th july

Street FIghter Zero 2 £SOLD
[For Sale] Various items (UK based) updated 4th july

Street Fighter Zero 2 Alpha £60
[For Sale] Various items (UK based) updated 4th july

Cyberbots Total metal madness + Some Original Art £75
[For Sale] Various items (UK based) updated 4th july

CPS2 Mobo Europe £20
[For Sale] Various items (UK based) updated 4th july

House of The Dead 2 Naomi in cage + DX Instruction Sticker £200
[For Sale] Various items (UK based) updated 4th july
[For Sale] Various items (UK based) updated 4th july

Namco Super World Stadium 2001(Namco Sys 12) + Some Original Art £45
[For Sale] Various items (UK based) updated 4th july

Crisis Zone Set Inc Gun I/O , PCB , Pedal , Bass Amp , Power Supply , Gun Sensor , Gun Wire & a Recil for a gun (may have an old gun about some where. £100 (item is heavy so ship by courier only on this.
[For Sale] Various items (UK based) updated 4th july

Star Gladiator 2 Capcom (Sony ZN-2) will use Capcom Kick , has some copy art £70
[For Sale] Various items (UK based) updated 4th july

Cosmo Gang The Puzzle (great little puzzle game / NA-1 hardware) £40
[For Sale] Various items (UK based) updated 4th july

Dunkmania (namco / Sys 11) includes original Marquee £SOLD
[For Sale] Various items (UK based) updated 4th july

Fates Unlimited Codes Dongle + IDE Hard Drive Namco 246 Game £120

[For Sale] Various items (UK based) updated 4th july

Bloody Roar 3 Dongle (can supply a disc for free, but i dont have the original, note the dongle is the protection) £85 (note this is a 15k game only)
[For Sale] Various items (UK based) updated 4th july

[For Sale] Various items (UK based) updated 4th july

Soul Calibur 3 Arcade Edition Export Dongle only (can supply a disc for free but i dont have the original, note the dongle is the protection) £80
[For Sale] Various items (UK based) updated 4th july

[For Sale] Various items (UK based) updated 4th july

Smash Court Pro Tournament Dongle only (can supply a disc for free but i dont have the original, note the dongle is the protection) £80

Namco System 246 (new drive fitted) Sold with Tekken 4 and Power Adaptor + Tekken 4 Instruction Booklet £160
[For Sale] Various items (UK based) updated 4th july

[For Sale] Various items (UK based) updated 4th july

Taito Type X2 ATI Card Tested Working on games (this is not the version that plays satelite only games) £80

[For Sale] Various items (UK based) updated 4th july

[b]Deathsmiles Atrworks book , still sealed up, great cave collectors item £65
[For Sale] Various items (UK based) updated 4th july
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Number of posts : 25
Age : 54
Country : United Kingdom
Registration date : 2010-03-08

[For Sale] Various items (UK based) updated 4th july Empty
PostSubject: Re: [For Sale] Various items (UK based) updated 4th july   [For Sale] Various items (UK based) updated 4th july Clock_9Thu 8 Jul 2010 - 10:43

bump for sold items
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Number of posts : 7
Age : 36
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2013-11-14

[For Sale] Various items (UK based) updated 4th july Empty
PostSubject: Re: [For Sale] Various items (UK based) updated 4th july   [For Sale] Various items (UK based) updated 4th july Clock_9Tue 26 Nov 2013 - 19:48

Crisis Zone items already available ?

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Number of posts : 22
Age : 44
Country : France
Registration date : 2012-12-02

[For Sale] Various items (UK based) updated 4th july Empty
PostSubject: Re: [For Sale] Various items (UK based) updated 4th july   [For Sale] Various items (UK based) updated 4th july Clock_9Wed 27 Nov 2013 - 14:14


Interested by

Super Street Fighter 2X £85
Cyberbots Total metal madness + Some Original Art £75
CPS2 Mobo Europe £20

I can t see photos....

How much for the total with shippment to France?


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[For Sale] Various items (UK based) updated 4th july Empty
PostSubject: Re: [For Sale] Various items (UK based) updated 4th july   [For Sale] Various items (UK based) updated 4th july Clock_9

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[For Sale] Various items (UK based) updated 4th july
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