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 beatmania IIDX 18 - Resort Anthem

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Number of posts : 6478
Age : 43
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

beatmania IIDX 18 - Resort Anthem Empty
PostSubject: beatmania IIDX 18 - Resort Anthem   beatmania IIDX 18 - Resort Anthem Clock_9Mon 19 Apr 2010 - 14:11

beatmania IIDX 18 - Resort Anthem Bm2dx18h

beatmania IIDX 18 - Restort Anthem will be in location test at Machida Cat's Eye (Tokyo) from April 22 (Thursday) to 26 (Monday).


beatmania IIDX 18 - Restort Anthem sera en location test au Cat's Eye (Machida, Tokyo) du jeudi 22 au lundi 26 avril.

Visit the website. Wink
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Number of posts : 4474
Age : 45
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

beatmania IIDX 18 - Resort Anthem Empty
PostSubject: Re: beatmania IIDX 18 - Resort Anthem   beatmania IIDX 18 - Resort Anthem Clock_9Sun 16 May 2010 - 15:11

De nouveaux location tests ont lieu du 14 au 20 mai:

- au Leisure Lan Otaka de Nagoya
- au Dino Park situé au 5ème étage du complexe Norbesade Sapporo.


New location tests from May 14th to 20th:

- at Leisure Lan Otaka (Nagoya)
- at Dino Park located at 5th floor from Norbesa complex (Sapporo).
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Number of posts : 6478
Age : 43
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

beatmania IIDX 18 - Resort Anthem Empty
PostSubject: Re: beatmania IIDX 18 - Resort Anthem   beatmania IIDX 18 - Resort Anthem Clock_9Tue 18 May 2010 - 17:04

beatmania IIDX 18 Resort Anthem sortira au mois de septembre 2010 au Japon.

Au menu:
- 60 nouvelles chansons pour un total de 600 titres.
- Des baffles plus grands.
- Service de paiement PASELI.
- Évènements spéciaux et chansons cachées.
- Classement national.
- Renewal Party Mode pour débutants.

- machine complète: 1.700.000 Yens (14.850 €)
- upgrade kit: 298.000 Yens (2.600 €)


beatmania IIDX 18 Resort Anthem will be released in Japan in September 2010.

- 60 new songs (total: 600 tracks).
- Bigger speakers.
- PASELI payment support.
- Special events and hidden songs.
- National ranking.
- Renewal Party Mode for beginners.

- full machine: JPY 1,700,000 Yens (€14,850)
- upgrade kit: JPY 298,000 (€2,600)

Visit the website. Wink
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PostSubject: Re: beatmania IIDX 18 - Resort Anthem   beatmania IIDX 18 - Resort Anthem Clock_9

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