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 [Vds] Indy 500 (stack Sega Model 2B-CRX en cage)

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2 posters

Number of posts : 15
Age : 48
Country : France
Registration date : 2009-05-04

[Vds] Indy 500 (stack Sega Model 2B-CRX en cage) Empty
PostSubject: [Vds] Indy 500 (stack Sega Model 2B-CRX en cage)   [Vds] Indy 500 (stack Sega Model 2B-CRX en cage) Clock_9Mon 1 Mar 2010 - 12:45

Here is a Indy 500 PCB (Sega Model 2B CRX) in its iron cage I bought from Gilles, tested and fully working in its original cab, sold as is.
I don't own a dedicated cab and not enough time to achieve my project with it (hacking a console steering wheel to play this with a Supergun).
I'm selling it for 150 Euros + shipping (I paid 160... this baby is damn heavy!):
160 EUR shipped in France
187 EUR shipped in the European Union, with insurance and tracking.
PAYPAL-gift ok

[Vds] Indy 500 (stack Sega Model 2B-CRX en cage) I500a
[Vds] Indy 500 (stack Sega Model 2B-CRX en cage) I500b
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Number of posts : 12
Age : 52
Country : Netherlands
Registration date : 2010-07-17

[Vds] Indy 500 (stack Sega Model 2B-CRX en cage) Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Vds] Indy 500 (stack Sega Model 2B-CRX en cage)   [Vds] Indy 500 (stack Sega Model 2B-CRX en cage) Clock_9Sat 17 Jul 2010 - 21:09

Is this one still for sale?
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[Vds] Indy 500 (stack Sega Model 2B-CRX en cage)
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