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 [Recherche] Sega JVS i/o pour Initial D Naomi

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3 posters

Number of posts : 11
Age : 47
City : Paris
Country : France
Registration date : 2009-04-03

[Recherche] Sega JVS i/o pour Initial D Naomi Empty
PostSubject: [Recherche] Sega JVS i/o pour Initial D Naomi   [Recherche] Sega JVS i/o pour Initial D Naomi Clock_9Wed 30 Dec 2009 - 21:04

Bonjour à tous,
Dear all,

Je recherche pour ma borne Daytona USA 2 un SEGA JVS i/o board, qui semble t'il, serait le seul à pouvoir faire tourner du Initial D NAOMI.

I am looking for a SEGA JVS i/o board, which is mandatory in case of an INITIAL D Naomi use on my DAYTONA USA 2 cabinet (Model 2 driving panel).

Exit donc les boards suivants :
Given that :
sega jamma I/O = no boot
capcom converter = no boot (j'en ai déjà un... I already have one of it)
sega i/O version 2 = no boot
sega JVS rev2 = no boot

sega JVS I/O= OK (the only one I really need, actually).

Merci à vous
Thank you all.
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Ultimate member
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[Recherche] Sega JVS i/o pour Initial D Naomi Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Recherche] Sega JVS i/o pour Initial D Naomi   [Recherche] Sega JVS i/o pour Initial D Naomi Clock_9Wed 30 Dec 2009 - 22:45

demande a Dimitri (guerrier-ame-machin Smile)
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Mega member
Mega member

Number of posts : 270
Age : 46
Country : Japan
Registration date : 2006-11-23

[Recherche] Sega JVS i/o pour Initial D Naomi Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Recherche] Sega JVS i/o pour Initial D Naomi   [Recherche] Sega JVS i/o pour Initial D Naomi Clock_9Fri 1 Jan 2010 - 18:41

Sega JVS I/O Board [837-13551-92]

i have it if you want and we can combine shipping wit ID disk Smile

Your direct contact with Japan games shop and yahoo auction:

[Recherche] Sega JVS i/o pour Initial D Naomi Bannerjapandealers
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Number of posts : 11
Age : 47
City : Paris
Country : France
Registration date : 2009-04-03

[Recherche] Sega JVS i/o pour Initial D Naomi Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Recherche] Sega JVS i/o pour Initial D Naomi   [Recherche] Sega JVS i/o pour Initial D Naomi Clock_9Sat 2 Jan 2010 - 6:49

Hi Steve,

The fact is that the I/O board won't be sufficient (some cables are required in order to make this ID fully-functional).

Eventhough I would be interested in ID 1 gd-rom exclusively, how much will it cost whether we combine I/O board and cables + game ?

Knowing that the Christmas and New Eve celebrations prevent me from sending you money before next monday (BANKING system closed), could you please confirm your email address ? Indeed, my girl friend has a PAY-PAL account that works well Mr.Red (I learnt that yesterday !!!!!!!!!!!). This will allow us to deal faster !!!!! Very Happy
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[Recherche] Sega JVS i/o pour Initial D Naomi Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Recherche] Sega JVS i/o pour Initial D Naomi   [Recherche] Sega JVS i/o pour Initial D Naomi Clock_9

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[Recherche] Sega JVS i/o pour Initial D Naomi
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