- 3 count bout
- Magician lord
- Pop n bounce
- Shok troopers 2nd squad
- Street hoop
- Samurai shodown 3
- Neo diggerman
- World heroes 2
- Neo turf masters
- Trash rally
- Twinkle star sprites
- Last resort
- Over top
- Puzzle bobble
- Ghost pilots
- Amakusa revenge samurai shodown
- Bust a move again
- Bomberman
- 8man
- Tecmo world soccer 96
- Top hunter
- Real bout fatal fury special
- Goal goal goal
- Blazing star
- World heroes perfect
- Robo army
- Shock troopers
- Super sidekicks: the ultimate 11
- Nightmare in the dark
- Aereo fighters
- Neo mister do
- Aereofighters 2
- World heroes
- Vliner (slots, zeldzaam!!!)
- Super sidekicks the ultimate
- Puzzled
- Super sidekicks 2
- Neo mr do
- Metal slug 5
- Metal slug 5
- Neogeocup 98
- Street hoop
- Puzzle de pon/R
- Super sidekicks: the ultimate
- King of fighters 96
- Kabuki klash
- Puzzle bobble
- Panic bomber
- Panic bomber
- Metal slug 1
- Alpha mission 2
- Alpha mission 2
- Pop n bounce
- Andro dunos
- Metal slug 5
- Captain tomaday
- Zupapa!
- Strikers 1945 plus
- Flipshot
- Fatal fury
- Puzzle de pon/R
- Football frenzy(new?)
- Stakes winner
- Super sidekicks 3