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 Peter Moore: I killed the Dreamcast

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Number of posts : 6470
Age : 43
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

Peter Moore: I killed the Dreamcast Empty
PostSubject: Peter Moore: I killed the Dreamcast   Peter Moore: I killed the Dreamcast Clock_9Thu 18 Dec 2008 - 21:22

Since the day Dreamcast manufacture was stopped, I always held Peter Moore responsible for the death of the Dreamcast or at least that he played a major role in th system's death. I suspected "behind the scene manoeuvres" between him and Microsoft (confirmed with the Shenmue II story). I always thought Peter Moor scarified the Dreamcast to save his own career. Now he tells the truth about what happened then:

Maybe it was the best decision to save Sega. I don't know. But remember that he joined Microsoft shortly after that to become the front man of the Xbox. Anyway, I thank him for finally telling the truth. The death of the Dreamcast which was the best and most loved system on the market at that time changed my vision towards videogames. And while I still enjoy playing arcade games when they cross my path, I didn't buy any gaming console after my Dreamcast. Nowadays, game business lacks passion but on the other hand, it never was so profitable. To hell with all of that. My Dreamcast is still plugged into an old dying TV but I still enjoy it!!!

By the way, notice the last sentence of the interview: "I still take pride on behalf of the team that I have yet to meet anyone who regretted buying a Dreamcast. I’ve still got mine."

Anyway, he sold his soul to the devil. Nowadays, he's the boss of EA Sports, one of the less innovative company out there. Would it have been different with someone else at the head of Sega of America? Question

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