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 arcade hall in Molenheide, Limburg

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3 posters

Number of posts : 8
Age : 47
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2007-07-02

arcade hall in Molenheide, Limburg Empty
PostSubject: arcade hall in Molenheide, Limburg   arcade hall in Molenheide, Limburg Clock_9Mon 2 Jul 2007 - 21:13

Hi guys,

I'm a new user here and don't know if it has even been mentioned as I didn't see it on the map at the main page, but close to where I work (in the town of Houthalen-Helchteren, province of Limburg / Limbourg) there's a recreational park called Molenheide (visit the site

Molenheidestraat 7
B-3530 Houthalen-Helchteren

There's lots of nature which anyone can freely access to walk. The main activities however are bungalow stays, there's also an indoor swimming pool, tennis fields and indoor playground for kids (all have to be paid for). But the complex has also some restaurants and cafes which are open to all visitors and next to it is also a small, but nice arcade hall.

I remember all games being 1euro/play and here's what I can remember they have:

Silent Scope - Fatal Judgement
Alpine Racer
Alpine Racer 2
Dirt Dash
Prop Cycle
Crypt Killer

plus also:

a Namco racer - I think Rave Racer (see next to Silent Scope)
a Konami racer - cant see/remember (next to Crypt Killer)
yet another Namco racer (photo on the right - yellow seats)

There's also the Star Wars - Episode I pinball machine, and also if I remember correctly the game Radical Bikers (cabinet just behind Rave Racer.

I try now to add photo which I took some months ago, maybe someone else can identify the other games.


arcade hall in Molenheide, Limburg Dsc03810
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Number of posts : 6491
Age : 43
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

arcade hall in Molenheide, Limburg Empty
PostSubject: Re: arcade hall in Molenheide, Limburg   arcade hall in Molenheide, Limburg Clock_9Thu 5 Jul 2007 - 17:22

fixo wrote:
Hi guys,

I'm a new user here and don't know if it has even been mentioned as I didn't see it on the map at the main page, but close to where I work (in the town of Houthalen-Helchteren, province of Limburg / Limbourg) there's a recreational park called Molenheide (visit the site

Hi Fixo and welcome on board!

You're right, this location wasn't listed. But now thanks to you, it is! cyclops

And you automatically entered our annual contest. You're ranked 5th. At the end of the year, the 3 most active contributors win prizes.
Not that if you add a picture taken from outside the arcade, you earn 2 more points. So you would reach 3rd place. Idea

By the way, this thrown t3k1lla out of the top 10... He might get angry and come to kill all your friends and family, beware! What the fuck ?!?

fixo wrote:
There's lots of nature which anyone can freely access to walk. The main activities however are bungalow stays, there's also an indoor swimming pool, tennis fields and indoor playground for kids (all have to be paid for). But the complex has also some restaurants and cafes which are open to all visitors and next to it is also a small, but nice arcade hall.

It sounds like a real advert... are you sure you don't work there? Mr. Green

fixo wrote:
There's also the Star Wars - Episode I pinball machine,

Hey Glenn, did you read this? study

fixo wrote:
and also if I remember correctly the game Radical Bikers (cabinet just behind Rave Racer.

Actually it's a Cyber Cycles twin, the second part (bikes 3 and 4) of a 4 players set. AFAIK, Radikal Bikers only exists as a stand-up cabinet (at least, I never saw a sit-down version).

fixo wrote:
I try now to add photo which I took some months ago, maybe someone else can identify the other games.

Looking at the picture, I spotted these one (from left to right):

Silent Scope - Fatal Judgement
Ridge Racer
Cyber Cycles (twin)
Alpine Surfer
Dirt Dash (deluxe)
Prop Cycle
Alpine Racer 2
Crypt Killer
Star Wars Episode I pinball
Race On! (twin)

Unfortunately, this mysterious Konami racer remains unknown. All we know is the cabinet is made of blue/grey color with a black seat. But it's about time... Are you sure it's a Konami game? Question

Thank you for everything! Each new discovered place causes quite an excitement! Very Happy

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glenn pellis
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Number of posts : 328
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arcade hall in Molenheide, Limburg Empty
PostSubject: Re: arcade hall in Molenheide, Limburg   arcade hall in Molenheide, Limburg Clock_9Thu 5 Jul 2007 - 20:50

fixo wrote:
There's also the Star Wars - Episode I pinball machine,

Hey Glenn, did you read this? study

yes i read that and it's updated on my site Smile

thanks a lot on you're both

@fixo: als je nog iets weet staan van flippers mag je het altijd doorgeven
alvast bedankt voor deze

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Number of posts : 6491
Age : 43
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

arcade hall in Molenheide, Limburg Empty
PostSubject: Re: arcade hall in Molenheide, Limburg   arcade hall in Molenheide, Limburg Clock_9Sun 19 Jul 2020 - 14:49

All games are gone. Thanks to Bart for the info!

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PostSubject: Re: arcade hall in Molenheide, Limburg   arcade hall in Molenheide, Limburg Clock_9

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arcade hall in Molenheide, Limburg
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