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 [For Sale] Old arcade games

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3 posters

Number of posts : 31
City : Antwerpen
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-02-16

[For Sale] Old arcade games Empty
PostSubject: [For Sale] Old arcade games   [For Sale] Old arcade games Clock_9Thu 29 Mar 2007 - 16:27

An operator I know has some old dedicated cabinets, about 50 in total in his warehouse.
He's pretty expensive for his pinballs so don't expect to buy them for 20 euro each - but I list them here as it's possible someone is looking for one of these games..

Email for pictures and more information.

List of games:
Vanguard (not dedicated, in Brabo cabinet)
Armor Attack
Space Invaders
Mechanised Attack
Atari Basketball
Super Bug
Stern Berzerk
Breakout and clones

that's what I could see on the pictures I took
I know there's also a mortal combat 1 and 2, don't remember condition (I think they didn't work)
Further some other 'cabaret' type of cabinets with 20 year old games.

I don't know if there's a lot of interest here in these old games ?

Aeneas of
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Ultimate member
Ultimate member

Number of posts : 1384
Age : 46
City : Esneux
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-05-17

[For Sale] Old arcade games Empty
PostSubject: Re: [For Sale] Old arcade games   [For Sale] Old arcade games Clock_9Thu 29 Mar 2007 - 16:52

of course some interested people here... the best would be prices for each of them...
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Number of posts : 31
City : Antwerpen
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-02-16

[For Sale] Old arcade games Empty
PostSubject: Re: [For Sale] Old arcade games   [For Sale] Old arcade games Clock_9Thu 29 Mar 2007 - 21:12

I don't have prices yet.. will probably go next week to the operator and ask for what he wants and see what else he has.
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Number of posts : 31
City : Antwerpen
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-02-16

[For Sale] Old arcade games Empty
PostSubject: Re: [For Sale] Old arcade games   [For Sale] Old arcade games Clock_9Tue 3 Apr 2007 - 14:42

Pictures of most games are now available, email / pm me..
This weekend I will have prices.
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Ultimate member
Ultimate member

Number of posts : 1257
Age : 53
City : Liege - Luik
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-02-23

[For Sale] Old arcade games Empty
PostSubject: Re: [For Sale] Old arcade games   [For Sale] Old arcade games Clock_9Tue 3 Apr 2007 - 16:28

PM send
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Number of posts : 31
City : Antwerpen
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-02-16

[For Sale] Old arcade games Empty
PostSubject: Re: [For Sale] Old arcade games   [For Sale] Old arcade games Clock_9Wed 4 Apr 2007 - 17:11

I phoned the operator today and he wants 200 euro for each game, as-is.

But for instance he knew one of the 2 Berzerks was working a while ago, so if it's tested again and works the price is 350 euro..

Prices can still be negotiated if you test games (price can go up if the game works Sad check the condition and if you buy multiple games.

Email me for photos.

I will go there saturday afternoon.
People can come then to inspect and buy games.
I don't know if it's a good idea if a lot of people from this forum who are interested then also come ?
If you all want the same game then it's a problem..
but if you all want different games and for instance can buy 10 games together you'll probably can negotiate a better price for all..

Anyway, if people can't come saturday then you can always visit later, but I do not want that every day someone else comes for a few hours and wastes time, because then soon the operator will not want 'visitors' anymore or not negotiate over prices..
I also want to finish this as soon as possible, don't want to go back too many times to test/take pictures..

There are also a lot of pinball machines, photoplays and bingos available..
and also some neogeo cassettes.
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Number of posts : 31
City : Antwerpen
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-02-16

[For Sale] Old arcade games Empty
PostSubject: Re: [For Sale] Old arcade games   [For Sale] Old arcade games Clock_9Tue 5 Jun 2007 - 9:08

updated pictures of everything that's left:
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[For Sale] Old arcade games Empty
PostSubject: Re: [For Sale] Old arcade games   [For Sale] Old arcade games Clock_9

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[For Sale] Old arcade games
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