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 Konami Windy 1/2: who is better ?

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Mega member
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Konami Windy 1/2: who is better ? Empty
PostSubject: Konami Windy 1/2: who is better ?   Konami Windy 1/2: who is better ? Clock_9Mon 29 Mar 2010 - 13:24

I want to buy an WINDY ....
what do you think is the better one ?
I love the look off them ...for me the Windy is one off the interesting
CABS ever made .

The design looks timeless off me. Wink
Konami Windy 1/2: who is better ? 345308549064d0ab8c98

What is an good price for each .. do you think ?
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Mega member
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Age : 47
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Registration date : 2010-02-09

Konami Windy 1/2: who is better ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Konami Windy 1/2: who is better ?   Konami Windy 1/2: who is better ? Clock_9Mon 29 Mar 2010 - 19:39

Anybody ..who had some Windy ?
I think its a great Cab for Shmups the good old Sega New Astro. Very Happy
Most peopel the EGRET2 ..because its easy to rotate the Monitor,
but its ca..the same time to switsh the Monitor from an ATOMISWAVE
I have tried it often by myself ..and now it takes 5 minutes to switsh it if the cab lies on the ground .

So its easy for everyone...heee.heee.
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Mega member
Mega member

Number of posts : 335
Age : 47
Country : Germany
Registration date : 2010-02-09

Konami Windy 1/2: who is better ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Konami Windy 1/2: who is better ?   Konami Windy 1/2: who is better ? Clock_9Fri 16 Apr 2010 - 13:09

Windy II

Konami Windy IIThe Windy II updated the original Windy with a colour scheme change (blue), a tri-sync monitor, and with a change of I/O to the new JAMMA Video Standard (JVS). Dimensions and weight remain the same, but unfortunately the design also maintained the easily breakable neck of the original cabinet. Konami included a first party adapter to convert the cabinet to the more common JAMMA standard.

Type: Sitdown
Released: 1998
Japanese Name: UINDI II
Dimensions: 750 x 905 x 1339 (1699 with marquee) mm
Wiring: JVS
Monitor: 29 in, 15/24/31 kHz
Rotatable: Yes (no rotate mechanism)
Weight: 105 kg
Notes: Both the Windy cabinets neither have a rotate mechanism nor a monitor frame.[6] As a result of this the monitor is generally kept permanently in either vertical or horizontal orientation. Rotating the monitor requires extreme care - the lack of a frame leaves the fragile neck exposed and easy to snap, rendering the tube useless.

I thik this one is the better one.. Very Happy
I Love it .. and hope i can find one for my collection .
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PostSubject: Re: Konami Windy 1/2: who is better ?   Konami Windy 1/2: who is better ? Clock_9

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